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WP Engine How To Create Staging

Thankfully almost every action within the WP Engine User Portal is intuitive, and creating a staging environment is no exception.

Steps to Create Staging at WP Engine

  1. Login to the User Portal
  2. Click Create Staging in left hand menu.
WP Engine How To Create Staging - Start

3. Choose environment options. Here you have the option to clone the live or Production site, start new (blank or guided) or copy from another install. In most cases you’ll select “Copy an existing environment to this site” as this will allow you to clone your Production environment.

WP Engine How To Create Staging - Choose environment type

4. Select the production environment. Note that you’ll need to choose the most recent Backup. If you want the most current version of your Production environment, you’ll want to create a Backup first, before you create the staging environment.

WP Engine How To Create Staging - Select environment to copy

5. Give your staging environment a unique name, and click Add Environment.

6. That’s it! You’re done. Just give it a few minutes, and the new install will be built. If you did copy the Production environment, your WordPress user information remains exactly the same, just use the new staging URL.

Note: You’ll need to create new credentials in order to access the staging install via SFTP.

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