Link Dumps

Link Dump #28

It’s been a while, so happy 2024 and all of that. – Detect changes in webpages, useful for all sorts of activities. – Browse websites by font.

AI Emojis – Open source emoji generator.

Jupitor and its army of moons – very cool visualization of how orbits and movement in space really works.

GenPatcher – This has something to do with Command & Conquer Generals but I don’t remember.

Tall Sandwiches – You hungry?

Loving Vincent – A film about Vinvent Van Gogh.

C&C Generals Evolution – Yes I love C&C. This is some kind of mod.

LimeWire – I don’t remember LimeWire being “great” but it certainly was the #1 platform for digital “sharing” – now it’s… something else.

CNCNet – Another way to play classic Commant & Conquer.

AI Command & Conquer
This is NOT Command & Conquer but rather an AI depiction generated with DALL·E 3

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